Wow, the party conventions are off and running with a bang! Since the start of the Democrat-Republican Party conventions last week more than 75 journalists have been arrested, their cameras,recorders and cell phones confiscated. Several were beaten by police in front of other media cameras, the film footage promptly cut from news programs or edited down to appear as minor "mistakes" by the FBI and boys in blue in Denver and St. Paul. In zealous fits to censure press coverage of dissident group activities, Denver cops even arrested a Fox News crew for filming the protest march of Iraq War Veterans Against the War in Iraq. Stewart and Colbert will have a bang of irony to deliver later this week. Bill Moyers will again swallow his professional pride, apologizing for breeches of ethics and morals. Leave it to Aljazeera News International, its team of former American and BBC correspondents, to cover from both inside the convention and outside amid the body politic.
Most of those arrested are now released with charges dropped or reduced to misdemeanors while some face felony charges in the case of the press credentialed DemocracyNow!.Org crew of Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez. Local police and FBI units are downplaying overt suppression of free press/free speech/freedom of assembly rights.CNN's Wolf Blitzer and the "best news team in television" passed over the nuisance of unscripted politics raging outside, not reporting violations to fellow press operatives and citizen activists. Instead, viewers got the relevant details necessary for informed voting: Obama now wears an American flag pin on his lapel. Here come the "Rock Stars of the Democratic party".
The few who rise above imposed party censorship and sell out self censorship got a few minutes. Ted Kennedy, Jimmy Cater and Dennis Kucinnich. The alleged voice of young,progressive dems, is mute, as it has been each time the Democratic National Committee makes a farce of MoveOn claims of a modern,changing organization.
In Denver more than 40 thousand dissidents, the majority of whom are democrat voters, faced unannounced suspension of their assembly rights, protest routes and rights to film,video and record the events. As cops used clubs, gas, dogs and arrests - inside the convention center and the sports stadium the Democrat machine made a show of "Change Now!" with the more important dilemmas we care about:should Bill speak before or after Hillary?! Michelle and Barack are not Muslims. Weren't we all inspired by party leader Nancy Pelosi bellowing against " four more years of the same"...fresh from her Olympian caliber rubber stamp back slide stroked for the increased Bush war budget, the Republican plan for off shore and Alaska oil drilling. The Democrat house majority, like a relay team so trained, carried the baton across the finish line, netting more gold for team sponsor, Top 1%
Dem after Dem echoed a commitment to save the middle class, working class, veterans health care, family farmers,public school standards,university loan reforms, equal pay enforcement... all of us, from further denigration.
Outside of the party of the Party, citizen activists and independent press personnel were given a swift dose of the new Democrat party platform:Planks upon their heads.
Wake Up America!
Keep the Beat on the Pulse of Life!
Moe Seager
Saturday, 11 October 2008
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