Saturday, 11 October 2008

This Minute


Today marks 7 years since buildings fell, people fell, our naivety fell. And yes, the assassination of a centurion of the Empire, the World Trade Center. Not a minute too soon to note this is the last opportunity for George Bush, Dick Cheney,Condoleeza Rice and scores of Haters to lead us in commemoration of our bloody tragedy. Their last photo-op, media ritual to display their shock and horror. The White House of red vengeance, blind rage. It's Medusa Heads will bow for a minute, pause, raise carnivorous teeth and pledge holocaust from the executioner's tongue. The Medusa warning its enemies and the inhabitants held ransom by them; the Empire will continue to hurl down upon them a fire and brimstone like that suffered in Carthage. Upon whole nations. Nations of once naive humans, just like we were, just like us. Their ongoing tragedy made necessary in the scheme of things deemed essential to th e appetite of Empire. We will remind ourselves that the enemies of Empire America did strike back in measures not anticipated, in measures so mortal,so traumatic to us and our fellow Humans throughout the planet. We have come to understand these fanatics are capable of the same measure of death and slavery. Perhaps someone among us will call to attention - the dead, deprived and fearful of their nations are made to suffer in equal measure with the victimization of our own innocents.We all may take a minute to reflect, to pray for salvation and go on with our lives, forever changed in ways some call tough love comprehensible, ways unimaginable, yet to be fathomed. Many among us wishing it were only a minute of heart felt silence, putting to rest their personal sagas of painful endurance.

Our nation lost an estimated 3,000 lives on the day of blind vengeance. The Empire's wars of vengeance taking away 5,000 of our youth in uniform, 40,000 maimed in body and soul, f or the remainder of their precious lives. The fanatics of the opposition have lost a few hundred from their maniacal ranks. Tens of thousands dead for living in a place called hostile territories. Millions plunged into chaos for living in oil sourced nations. Nations contested by both sides at virtually any cost.

On this day we observe a minute to mourn and lament. A small number of tyrants east and west will lift their heads, swearing from scripture they have amended, constitutions they disdain, poets they have banished, shouting for more carnage. For a precious minute may you and I, they from distant nations,pledge our willingness to place the sacrosanct value of life before the necessity of wealth,power and draconian doctrines.

For the sake of global health and safety, we the stuff of flesh and blood, turn mind and spirit to the Creator, wishing and working for peace and justice. From whichever city and village, let us open our ears to the language of the heart.
Keep the Beat on the Pulse of Life
Moe Seager


P.M. Scott said...

Thank you for your words.

Moe Seager said...

You're welcome. Thanks for reading.